How I depuff my face in the morning with my favorite products + tools
It happens, sometimes we don’t eat well (or we eat too well) and we wake up with a slightly puffy face and it makes us feel even more BLAH then when we started. Here are the products I use to get my lymphatic drainage system in gear and liven up my complexion. I start with the Kora Organics Foaming Turmeric Cleanser - it’s got a minty zingy tingle that leaves my skin feeling refreshed. I then use a face oil before going through my Gua Shar Routine. Ireccomend following Sandra Lanshins free tutorials on Instagram or YouTube. Follow the link here for Lanshin tools and get 20% off with my code TAHIRA.
I finish with Neals Yard Skincare from the intensive firming range which I love and really works!
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