Pro-Ageing Solutions for the Neck + Décolletage
I have had a few questions come up recently over and over again so I am addressing them in this and some upcoming Videos. The first topic I will address is the neck and Décolletage - I have had this question about 6 times in a week from mainly women in their early to mid-40s so I thought I would offer some non-invasive solutions and treatments I think can help.
The skin on the surface and the muscles and tissues underneath are all doing different things in their ageing process. If you have a lot of hyperpigmentation, perhaps due to sun exposure, you will need to address this with skincare, like Vitamin C serums or Retinols. If dry, crepey skin is an issue, you also want to add some hydration, ensuring you apply moisturizing oils and creams and perhaps a hyaluronic acid serum. remember your neck when you are applying your skincare to your face!
Massage + Excercise
I am a big believer in toning the muscles under the skin to help it feel lifted - you exercise your body, so exercise your face!
I also think that toning exercises, facial massage and technology can be extremely beneficial here. I have been a longtime fan of Danielle Collins and more recently Luminous Face Yoga for facial exercises. I also really subscribe to everything Sandra Lanshin Chiu, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner shares on her amazing site + channels Lanshin - guy she and face massage will help move excess fluid in the area that can cause sagging.
For real benefits, you will need some extra help from technology. if your skin is heavily pigmented and has fine lines, skincare + LED light treatment can be really helpful and beneficial. This will help with the hyperpigmentation, as well as
For extra toning you will need technology once again, this time, the Nuface Micocurrent toning devices is what you need for a real lift and tightening of the skin in the neck area.
Video about how to address skin on the neck and upper chest
Shop my Neck + Décolletage Pro Ageing Recommendations
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